Theres an interesting video from the Bicycle Film Festival on, check it out!


Good news! The walking bike is travelling some more.. it’s off to Toronto to be show in the Art Show for the BFF.

I’ve also got some work for my degree show at Camberwell college of arts, where i will be graduating from the 3D MCP BA. Come and check it out.


we’ve also got a show of our own coming up on the 23rd of June at the Maverik Showrooms, on Redchurch St, E2, so keep your diaries open for then!

Thanks to the Black label boys, i arrived in STYLE to the show.. on the back of a tall bike tandem!

here’s me on the way there:

here’s me having some brews with Greg “the pilot”:

and here’s me realising it may be a bit tricky getting home when said “pilot” and “co-pilot” where a bit trashed!

Not mine, but i found a great flickr account full of photos from the show:

Art lovers New York also covered the show, check their photos out here

I’ve met some amazing people in NYC, everyone has been very welcoming but in particular the
Black Label Bicycle club, much love to the chicken hut!

I just finished doing the photoshoots for the three bikes that i made to hand in for the final show in a couple of weeks. Big shout out to my man Ben Broomfield, who shot all the amazing photos. check out his website!

here’s a sneak peek of whats to come:

don’t forget to keep the 14th June and the 23rd June free for our degree shows.

It’s all been going on! I’m currently in New York exhibiting the walking bike at the bicycle film festival, it’s been amazing, the show went off without a hitch and bike was in the window. I’ll post some photos later.


Big thanks to Brendt, Benedict, Laura and everyone that helped make this happen

Today i have mostly been looking at these:

Stay tuned for the next project!

Also if anyone knows where i can purchase a rolodex, let me know!

jiggin it up in the workshop..


more to come soon!

no, not Tim“the tool man”Taylor

some old ikea bookshelves someone was throwing out!
we needed some more kitchen surfaces and storage so we knocked this up!